Night Drop Form

Home » Night Drop Form

1 – Please write your service instructions on this envelope.
2 – Lock your car, place keys in this envelope and seal.
3 – Sign at bottom and drop envelope in our mail slot.

Night Drop

  • Check / Repair The Following:

  • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PERSONAL ITEMS LEFT IN VEHICLE. I hereby authorize the above repair work to be done along with the necessary materials. You and your employees may operate the above vehicle for purposes of testing, inspection or delivery at my risk. An express mechanic’s lien is acknowledged on the above vehicle to secure the amount of the repairs thereto. You will not be held responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, accident or any other cause beyond your control.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Repairs are to be paid upon delivery of vehicle.